
Dog Planet, dogplanet.no and its author are free of any liability regarding tokens built using tools on this site, and the use that is made of them. Tokens built with tools on this site, their projects, their teams, their use of Token (as well as anything related to the Token) are in no way connected to Dog Planet or its author.

Dog Planet, dogplanet.no and its author are free of any liability regarding tokens bought using Moralis Money tools on this site, and the use that is made of them. Tokens bought with help of tools on this site, their projects, their teams, their use of tokens (as well as anything related to the tokens) are in no way connected to Dog Planet or its author.

The purchase of tokens involves a high degree of risk as this action cannot be reversed.

Therefore the creation or buying of a token is at the user's own risk and no refund is possible.

Dog Planet, dogplanet.no and its author are free of any liability regarding games played on this site, and the use that is made of them.

Dog Planet, dogplanet.no and its author are free of any liability regarding images generated with tools on this site, and the use that is made of them.

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